Brand Identity Design

The Art & Science of Logo Design

The Art & Science of Logo Design

In today’s visual world, your brand’s logo design can be all the difference between success and struggle of your brand. A logo is the face of your brand, if I ask you to imagine Nike what is the first thing that came to your mind? Their shoe? No, I’m sure for most of us, it's their iconic swoosh.
Such is the power of a logo!

4 Important Elements of Packaging Design

4 Important Elements of Packaging Design

Packaging is known to be the identity of a product. Packaging plays an important role educating the customer about the product; it’s also like having a direct interaction with the brand. The four main elements of packaging are…

Difference between Logo & Brand Identity

Difference between Logo & Brand Identity

People often use Logo and Brand Identity loosely and interchangeably. Logo is not the same as Brand Identity, although they are very closely linked. Let us first understand what do these terms mean.

Evolution of Colours and their role in Brand Identity

Evolution of Colours and their role in Brand Identity

Colours are known to have effects on a person’s psychological, physiological and sociological behaviour. Thus, colour is an important aspect while considering the brand identity system.

Types of Emotional Benefits

Let’s start with an experiment. Melt a Toblerone and mould it into a slab. Ask a friend to taste it and observe their reaction. Most probably your friend will throw it at you and will be disgusted for having such a terrible taste in chocolate. And you would agree with him after you taste it yourself. That pops a question in my mind.

The 5 Golden Rules of Packaging Design

Packaging Design, also known as Package Design is very important element in your Brand Identity. A good Packaging can easily inspire trust and enable you to command premium for your products. Whether you're looking at creating a new Packaging Design or refreshing an existing one, here are 5 Golden Rules you should take into consideration.

Typography: Classification & Uses

Typography is the study of typefaces, and the manner in which the type is laid out, to best achieve the desired visual effect and to convey the meaning most effectively. Typography is a lot more than selecting a few fonts and using them in design. It is important to understand the meaning behind each category of typeface and which typeface is right for the brand. Think of a famous logo. Okay, ready?...

Design needs Attention to Detail

The other day we stepped out for office lunch and went to our favourite pizza restaurant nearby. While devouring our pizzas and coke, we started casual conversation about this interesting wall backdrop (pictured above). We were completely baffled to notice numerous design mistakes coming from an international pizza brand. There are 9 things wrong with this backdrop and we'll list them all below...

Brand Architecture

Brand Architecture is an important strategic process in Brand Development. Brand Architecture, simply put, is the relationship between various Brands in an Organisation. It defines how should two Brands be related or be completely unrelated. Brand Architecture informs how should each Brand behave, how should they talk, what should they believe in and how do they Visually Express themselves. It maximises Visibility of every Brand in the Portfolio.

Types of Logos & their Uses

Broadly there are 3 types of logos. Before getting into that, let us take you through the fundamentals first.

Importance of Logo in your brand identity: A logo is the most important element of a brand's visual identity. It defines who you are and builds image of your brand. Believe it or not, human brains can sub-consciously determine whether to trust a company or not, just by looking at its logo...

Brand Expansion - How to make a local brand global?

If you're reading this, our best guess is that your brand is doing well. Congratulations! And probably you're ready to grow outside the Geographical Limits - moving to another city, state, country or continent. This goes without saying that before finalising your next business location, you should have enough Customer and Market Understanding. And once you've finalised the location, you should be taking the following steps to make your brand a success in new markets.

Recession and Brand Building — Put the pedal to the metal, when everyone else slows down.

In a car race championship, if you're trailing behind and want to win the race, what do you think you can do? Nope, accelerating won't help, because you're already pushing your car to its limits and so are all others. So, how will you win? Well, you can. Read on to find out how...

Brand Association - Why do we associate with a Brand?

When you interact with products, be it your morning coffee to what phone are you using, how do you feel about it? You walk into a Starbucks for coffee or own an iPhone is because you want to be associated with these brands. They make you feel in a certain way. You trust them and its image appeals to you, it matches or exceeds your expectations and it doesn’t let you down...

Brand strategy is the key to effective marketing.

Branding preceeds all marketing and communication. Infact, defining a brand should be the first step in any marketing strategy. To define a brand, a branding agency needs to study and understand the market dynamics, category trends and consumer behaviour...