Services - Brand Positioning — Yellow Fishes: Best Branding Agency in Mumbai. Brand Strategy, Brand Identity & Packaging Design

Brand Positioning

Brand Positioning is very often confused with Brand Proposition. The truth is, it is only an off-shoot. There is a subtle difference between Brand Proposition and Brand Positioning. While Proposition is discovered from within the organisation, Positioning is identified and fabricated position in the marketplace based on dynamics.

Brand Positioning, simply put, is short term communication platform that is in line with Brand Proposition. Brand Positioning is a critical element in corporate brand strategy. This helps your customers understand and remember you. A Positioning that is simple, relevant and memorable often works the best.

Yellow Fishes is a Premier Brand Strategy Consultancy that specialises in defining Brand Positioning.


Brand re-positioning yields maximum returns in below scenarios:

- The Corporate Brand is already established and now launching a new product or service. You need to position it right.

- All the competitors talk in similar manner and make similar promises. You need to be different. Brand Positioning will help you.

- The market is rather drab and nobody really talks to the customers. Take the first movers advantage by repositioning your Brand.

- Your products or services are considered expensive. Reposition your Brand to make them see the value in purchase.

- Your products or services are considered substandard, and they lack lustre. But in reality you are at par with the competition. Enhance the Brand image.

- The market is homogeneous and there is little or no difference between the competitors. Strengthen your value proposition.

- You have just started up. Now, own a strong Positioning Platform that differentiates you.


To come back in the game or to change the perception of your Brand or to correct its course - Brand Positioning can greatly help you.